TMO To Go Podcast – Weekly Roundup: Dec. 22nd, 2005

Direct Link: MP3 Version

TMO to Go presents the Weekly Roundup, the best way to keep track of the headlines in Mac and iPod news. Each week The Mac Observer’s Ricky Spero covers the territory, paints the picture, and fills in the gaps. It’s like stealing notes after you missed the meeting. Or maybe five meetings. Consecutively.

The Weekly Roundup will be included in TMO’s main RSS feed, and also in its own feed if you’d like to add it directly to your podcatching/ipodder client.

If you enjoy the podcast, we encourage you to head to any of the podcast outlets and rate us, review us, and vote for us! A vote for the Roundup is a vote for all things happy. And for humble and benevolent Roundup Anchor Ricky Spero to rule to world. You can find the Roundup at: Feeds (Vote – please!)

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And don’t forget to send submissions with your version of the news! Here are the stories mentioned this show:

This news is written by the staff of The Mac Observer.
Bass by Boom, for TMO.

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