DefenderPad Offers Protection from Laptop Radiation

The FCC certified, lab tested  DefenderPad from Icaro Innovations provides both a lap work surface and protection against Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) radiation, Radio Frequency (RF) radiation, and heat radiation.


The pad is a large, 16 x 11-in (40.6 x 28 cm) flat, board-type design. The surface on both the front and back is of a mild rough texture that prevents slipping. It will hold all laptops up to and including a 17-in screen. It weighs two pounds, three ounces.

DefenderPad in use

The DefenderPad is available in black, blue, or pink and includes a one year limited warranty.

Using The Product

The DefenderPad provides a satisfactory lap work area for those who like to use their laptop on their lap or propped on their legs as illustrated in the following image. The surface holds a 13” MacBook Pro without slipping, even with the top opened, which can present some balance issues. My MacBook Pro remained in place as I entered data.

DefenderPad used on propped legs

It noticeably stopped any heat radiation when used in the lap position, and I felt no discomfort even after working in this position over an hour. I was not as happy with my attempts to use a mouse as it would not stay in place on the pad. This will not be of any consequence to those who are comfortable using the trackpad; I just don’t personally like using one.

The surface of the DefenderPad was easy to clean with a damp cloth. The information provided with the sample unit stated that the pad could easily work with backpacks. It is too large and cumbersome to work with either of the two backpacks I had available for testing. I also felt that lugging an extra two pounds in a backpack was nothing I would enjoy for long.

Do I Recommend It?

I recommend this product if the user wants or needs to work with their laptop in their lap or propped on their legs. At US$89.99 it presents with a significant enough price, that a purchaser should have a defined need for it. It is a good buy for anyone concerned with ELF, RF, or heat radiation. There is extensive information about these radiations and their consequences available on the DefenderPad website.

Product: DefenderPad

Company: Icaro Innovations

List Price: US$89.99



Provides a large radiation protective surface to hold laptops in laps or propped on legs.

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