DEVONtechnologies Offering 40 Percent Back to School Discount

DEVONtechnologies is offering students and educators a 40 percent off until September 20th. The offer applies to all its Mac apps.

DEVONtechnologies Offering Students and Educators Back to School Discount

Normally, DEVONtechnologies offers students and educators a discount of 25 percent. However, until 6 p.m. UTC on September 20, 2020, that discount will be 40 percent. The offer also includes for users buying upgrades, but cannot be combined with other discounts. The products available are DEVONthink, the document and information management solution, DEVONagent, a web research solution, and DEVONsphere Express, a desktop search assistant. All the products are aimed to help users work even when some lessons are being conducted remotely. To receive the discount, customers must provide a valid student or faculty ID and make the purchase while being signed into their customer account.

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