DEVONtechnologies Shows Updated DEVONagent Research Assistant

Users enter their queries into DEVONagent as they would with any search tool, using special qualifiers such as NEAR to gain even finer control over what theyire looking for. The software then presents the query to about 135 search engines. Once the tool gets results, it doesnit just display text and links, but also displays them in a Theme window, which shows found keywords and their frequency.

DEVONagent 2.0 also features a new AI-based visualizer, which creates a graphic map centered around a topic, with related topics indicated by connections, and their relevance indicated by size.

Other new features in the 2.0 release include language filters, tabbed browsing, private browsing, and keywords for a quick search in the built-in browser. The public beta is available immediately, and the final version will be available in Q1 2006 for US$49.95. Existing owners will be able to upgrade for US$19.95.

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