Mac Gaming News – Feral to Bring Black & White 2 to the Mac

Feral Interactive on Monday announced that it will bring Black & White 2 to the Mac in early 2006. The company published the first iteration of the Lionhead Studios game, which challenged players to decide whether they wanted to be a malevolent god or a benevolent one to their followers in a world known as Eden. One of the most popular aspects of the game was the ability to raise a creature from infancy, using it to do evil or good against the people of the land.

The sequel enables players to customize their creatures, in addition to making new strategic choices, such as researching and creating weapons, creating and controlling armies and settlements and more. New Epic Miracles, such as earth-rending earthquakes and volcanoes, have also been added to the game.

The new changes are important because, while the denizens of Eden were simple and capable of little more than cowering in fear or showing devotion in the first game, they have evolved in Black & White 2. Now they’ve developed technology and broken into five tribes. Players control one of those tribes and lead it to war or try to maintain the peace, depending on their choice to be evil or good.

Feral did not announce a release date, nor did it note pricing or system requirements. The Mac Observer will continue to follow the development of this title.

An evil monkey creature marshals his forces

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