FlatOut 2

I love racing games, but Iive never been fond of the type that use realistic cars. Every time I try out, say, a NASCAR game, I head out on the track, build up a head of steam … and spin out in the first turn. Frustrated, I drive in the opposite direction and try to cause a massive pile-up.

Then I load up a game like FlatOut 2 and have a blast. Hereis a game that doesnit take physics seriously. It encourages you to not only wreck the scenery but also smash your opponents and do whatever you can to win the race. Itis addictive. And it also features beautiful graphics and a hard rockini soundtrack starring Nickelback, Audioslave, The Vines, Fall Out Boy, Megadeth, and several other bands.

Nail opponents from the side to do maximum damage

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