Default Folder X Updated With Dialog Synchronizing

St. Clair Software is happy to announce the availability of Default Folder X 1.9.4, the latest revision of its Eddy Award-winning utility for enhancing Open and Save dialogs.

Default Folder X 1.9.4 now offers the option to keep Open and Save dialogs "synchronized" so they always point to the same folder, and gives users control of its folder sets via AppleScript. Also, many compatibility issues have been resolved, including those with Soundtrack and other Apple "Pro" applications, ShapeShifter, and with Windows file servers.

In addition, version 1.9.4 provides better support for Japanese and other non-Roman languages, corrects problems with itis "click to copy a filename" feature, and reduces the chance of problems due to corruption of its preference file.

You can find more information about the Default Folder X update at the St. Clair Software Web site. Default Folder X 1.9.3 is free for registered users, while the full version is available for US$34.95.

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