Rumors Of FrameMaker's Death Have Been Greatly Exagerated

Contrary to reports that have appeared in the Robert X. Cringley column inthe 2 February 2001 issue of InfoWorld or in the online version of thiscolumn on InfoWorldis website, Adobe is completely committed to developingand supporting the FrameMaker product. Currently, the FrameMaker engineeringand product management teams are busy working on the next major release ofthe product, including developing new features based on customer feedback.FrameMaker engineering is actively searching for new recruits.

FrameMaker sales this year have been excellent. The success of FrameMakercan in part be attributed to its adoption of emerging technologies such asXML and its positioning as a multichannel publishing solution.

In this year alone, the FrameMaker team has attended and held more marketingevents than ever, and will continue its active marketing push throughout thecoming year. In the coming months, look for FrameMaker at the followingconferences and trade shows: On Demand; Seybold; WinWriters Online HelpConference; Annual STC Conference; FOSE; and XML Europe 2001. You can alsoexpect another multi-city seminar tour to happen in the May timeframe thatwill focus on FrameMaker and eBooks.

FrameMaker holds a unique position in the multichannel publishing market,and is poised to take advantage of the rapidly growing trends towards XMLand Network Publishing. Adobe continues to be committed to these markets andto the future of the FrameMaker product line.

You can find more information about FrameMaker at the Adobe Web site.

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