Can You Hear Me Now? Woz Can't, So He's Moving


hat would cause you to move out of your house? Bad neighborhood? Termites? Even if it was a castle, literally, complete with secret tunnels? How about bad cell phone reception, would that push you out? Thatis what did it for Apple cofounder Steve Wozniak. He canit get a digital signal to his GSM cellular phone, so he has decided to move, according to an article in the Hoosier Times. Heis not going far, though. Heis just moving into another nearby house that he has owned for years. From an L.A. Times piece reprinted in the Hoosier Times:

The house grew to five bedrooms and six bathrooms and currently has an assessed value of $1.7 million, according to property records. The only hang-up was that Wozniak could not get his cell phone — which works on the Global Systems for Mobile communications standard — to work there.

"It just doesnit receive GSM," he said.

That just wasnit acceptable to Woz, who last year cofounded a wireless equipment venture called Wheels of Zeus. So heis moving into a nearby home he already owns that looks far more modest. From the front. Wozniak lived there in the early 1990s, just long enough to add a personal touch. The back yard, according to reports, features a 6,000-square-foot man-made cave, complete with dinosaur footprints.

You can read the full article at the Hoosier Timesi Web site. [Edit: The article at the Hoosier Times is now missing, as of late Monday morning. You can find the original article at the L.A. Timesi site, but that site requires a subscription.]

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