Following Unexplained Removal, iCloud Photos App Working Again


The iCloud Photos beta is just one component of Apple’s new cloud-based photo initiative. On the mobile side, users can choose to enable the iCloud Photo Library, which automatically syncs photos to iCloud and a user’s other iOS devices. Similar functionality existed previously with Apple’s Photo Stream feature, but new to the iCloud Photo Library is the ability to automatically store the large original image files on iCloud servers while syncing smaller device-optimized versions to users’ devices, which has the potential to save a significant amount of storage space.


On the desktop side, Apple publicly retired both its consumer (iPhoto) and professional (Aperture) OS X photo applications last year, promising to replace them with a hybrid app that aims to blend consumer-level usability with professional-grade power. Apple has set a launch target for the app, simply called “Photos,” of “early 2015,” although the company has provided no information or demonstration since it unveiled the app this past summer.

apple-photos-app-osxOne of the few glimpses provided by Apple of the upcoming 'Photos' app for OS X.

There’s no word yet on what caused the temporary removal of the iCloud Photos app, or when the app’s icon will reappear on the home screen.

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