Podcast – Weekly Roundup: New Intel Chips, Experiments in Download Pricing

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This week in the Context Machine, Intel develops suburban housing — no, wait, sorry: it’s a quad-core processor. Plus a smorgasbord of iTunes pricing experiments, total cost of PC ownership, and Microsoft’s iPod non-competitor.

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  • Support the Roundup, win an iPod nano! Check out our Podcast Survey

    Context Machine Fodder

  • Intel Unveils New Processors
  • Intel Set to Announce New Chips
  • iTunes Not Going Subscription with Multi-Pass
  • Schwartau Compares Mac/Windows TCO
  • Blackberry Patent Dispute Settled

    The Product Roundup

  • Jumsoft’s Process 2.0 Adds Shared Projects, More
  • Mac mini-sized MiniView KVM Switch
  • New Gizmo! USB Flash Drive Increases Read, Write Speeds
  • Postino News Reader Available
  • iPodMAME Puts Pac-Man, Ms. Pac-Man on iPod
  • Review – Bose SoundDock
  • Review – iPod Hi-Fi
  • Review – TuneBase FM

    This news is written by the staff of The Mac Observer.
    Bandwidth provided courtesy of Cachefly.
    Bass by Boom, for TMO.

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