Iomega, IOGEAR Debut Portable 1.8-inch Hard Drives


omega and IOGEAR today both introduced new lines of portable hard drives based on the same 1.8-inch drive used in Appleis iPod. Both companies offer USB 2.0 drives, while IOGEAR also offers USB 2.0/FireWire Combo versions.

Iomegais new USB 2.0 Mini Hard Drive line is available in prd_id=21652029″>20GB and prd_id=21652029″>40GB capacities, as is IOGEARis 1.8″ Ion USB 2.0 drive (20GB, 40GB). Both companyis USB 2.0 offerings are bus-powered, meaning they require no external power supply.

IOGEARis 1.8″ Ion Combo drive sports FireWire as well as USB 2.0, but requires a power adapter. The Ion Combo is also available in 20GB and 40GB capacities.

Iomegais Mini Hard Drives weigh 3.5 oz. and are encased in a “rugged aluminum enclosure” that measures 3.4″ x 2.9″ x 0.5″. Iomegais drives come with a 1-year warranty. IOGEARis 1.8″ Ion is a bit heavier and larger: they weigh about 7.5 oz. and measure 6.4″ x 3.1″ x 0.6″. IOGEAR offers a 3-year warranty.

IOMEGAis Mini Hard is available now for $179 (20GB) and $279 (40GB). Iomega is currently running a promotion offering a free 64MB Micro Mini USB Flash Drive with a purchase of over $200 from its store.

IOGEARis 1.8″ Ion sells for $199 (USB 2.0, 20GB), $299 (USB 2.0, 40GB), $249 (Combo, 20GB), and $349 (Combo, 40GB).

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