Quick Facts from Apple’s iPhone 4 “Antennagate” Press Conference

Accordingly (links are to articles with full coverage of that topic):

  • Customers who ordered an iPhone will be given a free case – customers who already ordered a bumper case from Apple will be given a refund
  • iPhone 4 customers who are unsatisfied with their device can get a full refund — AT&T will cancel associated contracts for those who do
  • iPhone 4 coming to 17 countries on July 30th, as promised, save for South Korea due to local government approval delays
  • White iPhones will ship at the end of July
  • Less than one extra calls are dropped per 100 on the iPhone 4 compared to iPhone 3GS, according to AT&T data given to Apple
  • Steve Jobs returned from his Hawaiian vacation early to host this press conference
  • AT&T has seen 1.7% of its iPhone 4 sales returned in the first few weeks of availability, compared to 6% for 3GS over a similar time period
  • Apple has had 0.55% of its iPhone 4 customers call in to AppleCare to complain about issues relating to signal strength or the antenna
  • Three million iPhone 4 units were sold in first three weeks
  • Apple has spent some $100 million in developing and building its Antenna Design & Testing Labs
  • The company has 18 PhD scientists and engineers working on antenna design
  • A fix for a problem with the proximity sensor in the iPhone 4 is in the works

If you noticed any other quick facts we should include in the press conference, post them in the comments below, and we’ll add them to our list.

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