iPhone 4 Photos: Lining Up, Camping, & Sleeping at the Los Gatos Apple Store

Los Gatos is one of the smaller towns near Cupertino that make up the area locally known as South Bay. It has a number of multimillion dollar mansions in the hills overlooking the town proper, and is the home of Apple cofounder Steve Wozniak. The Apple Store in Los Gatos is located on Santa Cruz Ave., a high-end, Main Street-like shopping area.

Our friends at NodConcept develop iPhone and iPad apps, including Travel Assistant Pro with TripIt, Emoti, and Emoti HD for iPad.


Pics from Los Gatos

We’re not sure if this person is preaching or yawning, but Los Gatos Apple customers come prepared with chairs for their launch events

Pics from Los Gatos

Waiting with the power cords

Pics from Los Gatos

Sleeping and waiting

Donuts at Los Gatos

Apple supplied donuts for the people waiting in line

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