Buy iPhone 6 from T-Mobile Now, Swap for iPhone 6s for Free, Apple Music Exempt from Data Limits

T-Mobile CEO John Legere

T-Mobile CEO John Legere

iPhone 6 Swap

The big news on Tuesday is the offer to let customers who buy a new iPhone 6 now swap it out for whatever Apple announces this fall (likely the iPhone 6s). Customers will pay nothing more and their monthly bills won't change.

“Yeah, that's what I said,”Mr. Legere wrote in a blog post Tuesday. “Just swap it out and pay NOTHING more—nothing up front and no change to your monthly payment. No deposit. No fees. Nothing. You get the next iPhone guaranteed. And you get to LOCK IN that industry-best promotional price of $15 a month.”

While Apple has long sold a surprisingly high number of iPhones in the quarter before they're upgraded—I mean, seriously, iPhone rumors are mainstream these days—this has got to be a good thing for both Apple and T-Mobile. Risk-free iPhone 6 now, brand new and nifty iPhone 6s in a couple of months? Giddy up.

JUMP! On Demand customers will have priority access to the first new iPhone units available this year, too.

Apple Music Streaming Data

Apple Music joins 32 other music services that already stream for free through T-Mobile's Music Freedom promotion, but CEO John Legere said it was one of the company's most requested features.

“Apple Music has become the single most requested new addition to Music Freedom and counts for a full 80% of the requests coming in via Twitter,” Mr. Legere wrote.

He added, “Apple Music is a huge addition to Music Freedom. Millions and millions of people are already using Apple Music, and it’s set to shape the streaming music landscape—like Apple’s done with just about everything they touch. So we’re stoked to unleash Apple Music for T-Mobile Simple Choice customers.”

This is the sort of thing that can give T-Mobile a significant competitive edge. As streaming music gains steam in the U.S., the ability to stream on your mobile device without worrying about data limits will highly desirable for many.

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