Podcast – Apple Weekly Report #114 2008-02-04: Mega-Mergers, iPhone Security, & Pacemakers

Direct Link: MP3 Version

Audible.com agreed to an Amazon buy out while Microsoft made a bid for Yahoo in an effort to hold off search giant Google. U.S. courts added another two years to Microsoft’s antitrust follow up, iPods turned out to be safer for heart patients than previously thought, and a new iPhone security threat was discovered.

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  • FDA: iPod is Pacemaker Safe
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  • Microsoft Makes $44.6B Bid for Yahoo
  • Amazon.com to Buy Audible.com for $300M
  • TMO on Twitter!

    This news is written by the staff of The Mac Observer.
    Bandwidth provided courtesy of Cachefly.
    Bass by Boom, for TMO.

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