iPod Controller Maker Reports Record Profits


A href=”http://www.synaptics.com/”>Synaptics, the maker of the click wheel selector on Appleis iPods, announced Thursday record profits for its second fiscal quarter ended December 31st, 2004. The company reported profits of US$9.7 million on revenue of V.5 million. The company cited "robust growth" in demand for portable media players as a driving force for its revenue and profits.

The companyis profits rose 178% over the year ago quarter, rising in tune with Appleis record iPod sales. During the December quarter, Apple sold some 4.5 million iPods, each with a Synaptics-built click wheel. Profits came in at 33 cents per share, 3 cents better than the consensus estimate of 30 cents per share.

"We had a tremendous quarter and achieved our third consecutive quarter of record revenue and earnings," Francis Lee, President and Chief Executive Officer of Synaptics, said in a statement. "Our results reflect robust demand for portable digital music players during the holiday season as revenue outside of the PC market grew sharply to 43% of total revenue compared with 33% in the immediately preceding quarter."

You can find more information about Synaptics at the companyis Web site.

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