Chicago Sun Times: iPod Shuffle Works, Period


n his regular column for the Chicago Sun-Times, TMO columnist Andy Ihnatko said that the thing that makes the iPod shuffle so good is that it simply works. Mr. Ihnatko added his own voice to the mainstream chorus of reviewers who have gushed over Appleis newest iPod family member.

Mr. Ihnatko went over the same things that other reviewers have focused on, such as the fact that the iPod shuffleis lack of an LCD display isnit an issue, and the fact that the 512 megabyte capacity of the US$99 unit he tested still allowed him enough music to listen to throughout the day.

The most important point he delivered to his mainstream audience, however, is one that deals with all of Appleis products, the fact that it works.

"The biggest advantage of the Shuffle over all other RAM-based players," wrote Mr. Ihnatko, "is the simple fact that itis an Apple product and relies on iTunes instead of Windows Media Player. It works, period."

That message covers Appleis entire product line, including the Mac platform, an issue that Mr. Ihnatko drove in further.

"I spend every Christmas driving around the state on a Holiday Goodwill Tour of friendsi and relativesi houses," he wrote, "and this year, the houses where my welcome was the most warm and the children were most delighted to see Uncle Andy were the houses in which someone unwrapped a non-Apple music player that morning."

You can find the full review at the Chicago Sun-Times Web site.

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