Snak On This: IRC Client Updated

Version 4.6 of Snak has now been released.

Version 4.6 provides support for NAT routers, multiple preference files for the case that multiple people use the program and more precise control of what is spoken, and from what channels. The fully updated server list is read from an external file which can be easily updated or replaced. AppleScript is improved with more event handlers and properties.

What is an IRC client?
An IRC Client is a program that will let you participate in discussions in Internet Relay Chat channels. IRC is a service that uses the Internet to connect a large number of servers all over the world. Individuals then connect to a nearby server with the help of a client program like Snak and join one or more of the thousands of channels that are available.

At any given time the largest of the IRC networks may have as many as 35.000 participants and almost anyone can find a channel that talks about a topic that is of interest to that particular person.

Snak is available for US$20. You can find more information at the Snak Web site.

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