iTunes: Beatles Claim 14 Top 40 Albums First Day

The Beatles are performing less well on in sales of single songs, with seven of the Top 100 singles, from #39 to #85.

Both charts have been swiftly changing throughout the day, and the list we compiled below had to be renumbered three times just whilst we were putting it together due to all 17 of the albums’ steady progress higher.

Beatles top Five Albums

The Beatles iTunes First Day Chart Performance

9. Abbey Road

14. The Beatles (White Album)

15. Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band

16. The Beatles Box Set

18. The Beatles 1967-1970 (The Blue Album)

21. The Beatles 1962-1966 (The Red Album)

22. Rubber Soul

24. Revolver

25. Magical Mystery Tour

28. Let It Be

30. A Hard Day’s Night

31. Please Please Me

33. Help!

37. With The Beatles

42. Past Masters, Vols. 1 & 2

47. Beatles for Sale

65. Yellow Submarine



39. Here Comes the Sun

44. Let It Be

51. In My Life

55. Blackbird

65. Come Together

83. With a Little Help From My Friends

95. Hey Jude


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