iTunes: Going to the Current Song

One of my favorite iTunes shortcuts is listed right under our virtual noses, but I still think many folks don't know about it. The command is within the Controls menu, and it's labeled Go to Current Song.

As you can see, the keyboard shortcut for that is Command-L. So scroll far away from the currently playing song if you wanna, but hit Command-L, and you're back where you started. Hey, no more scrolling through a terabyte of songs looking for the proverbial needle in a haystack!

This works no matter what view you're in. So whether you're sorting by songs, albums, or artists, you should be able to find what you need.

And as with everything on the Mac, there are other ways you can do the same thing. For example, you could go up to the player controls at the top of iTunes' window and click on the arrow next to the song name.

Doing so will give you a pop-up menu, from which you can go to that artist, album, or song in your library.

You can use this from the MiniPlayer, too. Hover over it to see the controls (including the same arrow to access the above “Go to” choices).

If you'd prefer, use the Command-L shortcut instead, and the MiniPlayer will open the main iTunes window and show you the current song. Hey, that's darned useful! You still make me mad sometimes, iTunes, but I like you a little more now.

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