Jobs Back on the Job

Mr. Jobs commented “Customers are voting and the iPhone is winning,” in response to Apple’s news that it sold more than a million iPhone 3GS units over the weekend.

He was also seen at Apple’s headquarters on Monday sporting his familiar black mock turtle neck shirt and jeans, according to Reuters.

USA TODAY reported that three Apple employees confirmed Mr. Jobs has been in contact with company staff via email for the past few weeks. The employees spoke anonymously in hopes of avoiding repercussions, which is a strong indication that Mr. Jobs is in the house.

Mr. Jobs announced in January that he was taking a six-month leave of absence for health reasons. He has been recovering from pancreatic cancer and was losing weight. Word also leaked out a few days ago that he received a liver transplant two months ago.

Mr. Jobs’s return to work will likely please many investors and consumers, but it may not hold the significance everyone expected six months ago. The company has continued to move forward while releasing new products, including the iPhone 3GS, and has continued to grow in a market where its competitors aren’t faring as well — all indicators that Apple’s success isn’t tied to a single person any more.

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