Man Traded Kidney for PowerBook

Mr. Shapiro was consulting with an older couple in the late 1990s when the wife said, “Why don’t we show him the kidney PowerBook? Maybe he can answer some questions about that computer.”

He asked why they call it the “kidney PowerBook,” she said, “My husband donated one of his kidneys to his sister. She asked him what he’d like in return. Without hesitation, he said, ‘I’d love a PowerBook.'”

She apparently loved him enough to get it for him.

Beyond the amusing anecdote, Mr. Shapiro’s broader point was that there are a lot of older Americans using Macs, something that Apple doesn’t usually acknowledge in its advertising.

It’s something that we’ve acknowledged at The Mac Observer for more than ten years, however, which is how long we’ve been publishing Nancy Carroll Gravley’s Computing with Bifocals column.

PowerBook G3
In 2000, would you have traded a kdiney for one of these?

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