Podcast – Apple Weekly Report: Mac Games, Wikipedia Shenanigans, and Hacked iPhones

Direct Link: MP3 Version

Jeff and Bryan have a full plate this week. Electronic Arts is releasing its games for the Mac, and this time they really mean it, Steve Jobs made it into California’s Hall of Fame, Apple and other companies have been altering Wikipedia entries, and there’s plenty of iPhone news, too.

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    The Context Machine Fodder

  • EA Comes to the Mac For Real
  • Steve Jobs Inducted into California Hall of Fame
  • Apple, Microsoft, Dell Caught Revising Wikipedia
  • Paramount, Dreamworks Sold Out for HD DVD
  • YouTube Launches In-video Ad Program
  • Apple Orders Sites to Pull iPod nano Pics
  • AT&T Trims Down iPhone Bills
  • Another iPhone Battery Class-Action Lawsuit Filed
  • Orange: Still in iPhone Talks
  • South Korea iPhone Talks Underway
  • Teenager Unlocks iPhone, Now on eBay for $2,750

    This news is written by the staff of The Mac Observer.
    Bandwidth provided courtesy of Cachefly.
    Bass by Boom, for TMO.

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