Think MacKeeper Screwed You? There's a Settlement for That

ZeoBIT agrees to $2M settlement in MacKeeper lawsuitZeoBIT agrees to $2M settlement in MacKeeper lawsuit

MacKeeper is billed as a utility for keeping your Mac running in tip-top shape, although enough people felt ZeoBIT overstated the its claims enough to warrant a lawsuit. The company ultimately agreed to the $2 million settlement, but won't have to admit to any wrongdoing.

A third of the settlement will go to attorney fees, while the remainder will cover administrative costs and customer payouts. Depending on how many customers sign up for a refund, they could get as much as $39.95 back.

If you purchased MacKeeper on or before July 8, 2015, you have until November 30 to submit your claim. You also have until September 21 to file an objection to the settlement.

[Thanks to Macworld for the heads up]

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