MacsDesign Studio Releases Web Help Desk 5.5

MacsDesign Studio today released Web Help Desk 5.5, a powerful web application for technical support designed for education and small to medium sized business customers. Built with the industry’s most powerful and mature application server, WebObjects 5.1 from Apple Computer, Web Help Desk 5.5 offers an intuitive web interface and an excellent feature set for both end users and support technicians. This latest update includes:

  • Customizable, dynamic PDF Asset report creation
  • Detailed Job Ticket download in PDF
  • LDAP option for authentication and lookup of Client data
  • Department option for Clients, Assets and Job Tickets
  • Additional Asset fields and expanded Asset search options
  • New graphic reporting by Department and Problem Type
  • New preference to enable Asset number editing

You can find more information about the Web Help Desk update at the MacsDesign Studio Web site. A Web Help Desk 5.5 corporate base license is available for US$3,000.00.

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