TMO To Go Podcast – Mac Geek Gab: Direct from Macworld Boston

Show notes for TMO To Go: Mac Geek Gab, Macworld Boston, July 12, 2005

Podcast Link: TMO To Go: Mac Geek Gab, July 12th, 2005

Macworld Expo Boston is the stage for this podcast. John and Dave report their findings and experiences straight from Beantown, talking about products, events, and feedback from the show floor.

Products/Companies/Events mentioned:

  • Macworld Boston 2005
  • Copley Square Hotel
  • MacBrainiac Challenge at Macworld Boston – The “Smart Folders” team wins!
  • Seiko Business Products – released new label printers with Mac support!.
  • Etchamac – Aftermarket laser etching for your iPod… and your Mac.
  • Parliant – Makers of Phone Valet, and starting to add podcasting features, as well.

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