A MACWORLD Keynote Is The Epitome Of Decorum Compared To A Microsoft Rally (With Pics & Video)

For example, Observer “mambamac” alerted us to a link at The Register containing hilarious QuickTime footage of M$ CEO Steve Ballmer doing an ugly imitation of “Thade” from Tim Burtonis “Planet of the Apes.”

After viewing this, you will agree that no Micro$oft devotee should ever again utter a single disparaging word against the Mac community or a Steve Jobs public appearance. To see what we mean, view the footage on this authoris iDisk where weive uploaded the 3 MB video clip (“control-click” on the iDisk link to download it, since weive discovered that it doesnit always play in some browsers).

The original link can be found at The Register, but we wanted to give you an alternative URL in case The Registeris link disappears, mysteriously or not-so mysteriously. 🙂 After seeing it, feel welcome to add your comments to The Mac Observeris discussion thread on this topic.

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