MACWORLD Will Return To Boston In 2004


he Boston Herald is reporting that MACWORLD will, in fact, be returning to Boston in 2004. Discussion on this has been raging for months as competition between New York and Boston for what Steve Jobs said is the largest technology show on the East Coast heated up. MACWORLD was hosted in Boston for many years, but moved to New York when the show grew too large for Bostonis facilities. A new convention center being built in Boston makes it possible for the show to return to the Massachusetts city, and a final deal to that effect has been worked out. That deal includes 2005 and 2006, as well. From the Boston Herald:

"To have (MACWORLD) come back to Boston is a boost," said Craig Moore, a University of Massachusetts economist who helps write a quarterly report on the regionis economy.

Charlie Greco, head of IDG World Expo and MACWORLDis organizer, made the decision last week to bring the show back, sources say. Though Greco signaled his interest in bringing the big tech show back months ago, he found himself at the center of an intense tug-of-war between Boston and New York.

Big Apple officials, as they attempted to keep the giant tech show at the Jacob R. Javits convention center, pulled out all the stops – including appearances by Broadway stars.

But Boston, led by Mayor Thomas M. Menino and hotel and tourism industry guru Patrick Moscaritolo, countered with a few surprises of its own.

The Hubis package included the use of the city-owned Parkman House on Beacon Hill and the courtyard of the Boston Public Library for private receptions for MACWORLD attendees.

City Hall also threw in banner advertising touting the show in city lamp posts, while state convention officials offered free rent on the meeting hall under construction in South Boston.

The report also says an official announcement will be made on October 17th. There is more information and details on the deal in the full article, and the piece is a good read.

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