Mangage Your Money Better

Finance is a checking, savings, and credit card account management program. It enables you to quickly enter, view, or modify transactions, search through your records, and reconcile your account balance with your bank statement by just clicking a button. Finance is fully compatible with Mac OS 9 and Year 2000 compliant.

Key Features in Version 3.6

  • Improved checking, savings, and credit card templates.
  • Automatic date sorting of records as they are entered.
  • Four powerful search options to find any data in your files.
  • Pop-up menus to speed data entry. (registered users only)
  • User defined internet link window. (registered users only)
  • Numbers control panel aware currency formatting.
  • Software update feature for registered users.
  • Date & Time control panel aware.
  • Three printing options.
  • Built-in context-aware help system.
  • External preference storage.

Finance for Macintosh is available for US$20. You can find more information at the web site.

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