OS X Mavericks: Checking App Compatibility

OS X Mavericks has plenty of new features to entice users into upgrading, but if the apps you rely on every day won't work it doesn't make sense to make the jump. Trying to sort through long lists of websites to see if the apps you need are Mavericks-ready can be tedious process, and you don't need to do that. There's a one-stop-shop where you can check app compatibility, and it's easy to use. Read on to learn more.

The RoaringApps site lists Mavericks compatible appsThe RoaringApps site lists Mavericks compatible apps

When you need to find out whether or not the apps you rely on are Mavericks-ready, just point your favorite Web browser to RoaringApps. The site hosts a regularly updated list of OS X apps and whether or not their compatible with Mavericks, Mountain Lion, Lion, and Snow Leopard, and even includes iOS 7 and earlier app compatibility information.

A green dot means the app is compatible, a yellow dot means the app works, but there are know issues, and a red dot means the app isn't compatible and probably won't work. If you have an up to date Web browser, RoaringApps includes a new interactive view that gives you more information. You can also use filters to find just the apps you're interested in, and you can save your favorites to check on later.

RoaringApps is a great resource, and it's one I rely on every time a major upgrade for OS X comes out.

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