Microsoft Goes After Mike Rowe For Copyright Infringement


f we ran something like the excellent “News of the Weird” feature, this would surely qualify: Microsoft is demanding that a young man named Mike Rowe give up his domain of (say it out loud). The reason? Why Mr. Mike Rowe is guilty of copyright infringement, according to Big Redmond. From an article from CNN:

Rowe, a 17-year-old high school senior and Web designer from Victoria, has angered the software giant by registering an Internet site with the address

“Since my name is Mike Rowe, I thought it would be funny to add isofti to the end of it,” said Rowe.

Microsoft, however, is not amused.

It has demanded that he give up his domain name. In November, Rowe received a letter from Microsoftis Canadian lawyers informing him he was committing copyright infringement.

Thereis more information in the short article at CNN.

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