Museum Of Modern Art Acquires A Cube, Jobs Comments On Cube's Demise

"The personality of these objects is incredibly important," said Paola Antonelli, the curator of Workspheres, a recent exhibition that included several Apple products. "These objects give more meaning to the desk and the work. They are pleasant companions."

We applaud the Museumis taste.

Something will be of even more interest to those who regularly follow the goings on in Cupertino is that the piece included commentary from Appleis CEO about the demise of the now-cancelled Cube. Apple in general, and Mr. Jobs in particular, are not known from publicly commenting on much of anything. It would seem in this case, Mr. Jobsi fondness for the Cube overcame his usual reticence. From the New York Times article:

"That was not a failure of design," Mr. Jobs said. "It was a failure of concept. We targeted the Cube at a professional audience. We thought they would rather have something small on the desk than expandability and we were wrong. It was a wrong concept — fabulously implemented."

There is additional information in the New York Times article, and we recommend that you check it out. The article requires a free membership with the New York Times in order to read it.

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