iPad Tops Mossberg’s Best of 2010 List

“For a 1.0 product, the iPad was amazing,” Mr. Mossberg said. “With the new iOS 4.2 operating system and its huge selection of apps, the iPad continues to stay ahead of the competition.”

The iPad and iPhone 4 both made Mossberg’s best of list

Apple’s multimedia tablet has been popular ever since it was launched in April 2010, and consumer interest doesn’t seem to be tapering off. iPad sales appear to be remaining high even with rumors of a new model coming soon with a built-in camera circulating around the Internet.

The Dell Streak tablet topped Mr. Mossberg’s worst products of 2010 list. The Android-based tablet has a smaller screen compared to the iPad, making it too big for a mobile phone, and too small for a proper tablet device.

His worst of list also included Google TV and the TiVO Premier.

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