Announcing A New Logo For TMO!


e are delighted to introduce our new logo, which you can see at the top of this very page. We also have a new navigation menu for your navigating pleasure, including a couple of new features at TMO.

There is a link to our site, which has so far been a raging success. tracks the best deals on Macs, Mac peripherals, and other goodies on the Internet. If you havenit already, stop by and take a look.

We also have added a link to our AvantGo service, which brings TMOis news to your Palm OS device. Click on the link, and check it out.

There is also a link to "Mac Gear," something you will be hearing more about in coming weeks. Until then, mumis the word.

The rest of the navigation menu includes links to things we have always had at TMO, and we hope you enjoy them. We are working on some other changes at TMO that we hope to roll out in the near future. Stay tuned.

We would like to thank MANY people who assisted us in the design process of our new logo. In no particular order, that includes: Darla Sasaki, Raena Armitage, Rob Seale, Mike Washleski, Gavin Mahan, Dan Miller, Mendelini, and the many other people who were either asked for their opinion, their ideas, or their forbearance while we worked on the new design.

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