Nintendo Taking a Break from Social Media, Removes Connectivity Features with Twitter and Facebook

Reports indicate that Nintendo seems to be distancing itself from various social media outlets, including no longer allowing Nintendo accounts to link to Twitter and Facebook.

It looks like Nintendo wants to take a break from social media. Reports suggest that the gaming giant is distancing itself from the social media landscape, at least, in certain ways.

In addition to Nintendo discontinuing the Image Share feature on the Nintendo 3DS and the WII U, the company is also stopping Nintendo Switch users from linking their Nintendo account to Twitter or Facebook.

Nintendo Distancing Itself and Users from Social Media

According to several announcements from Nintendo, the company seems to be distancing itself and users from social media. The company not only plans to discontinue image sharing features for the Nintendo 3DS and Wii U, but is also announcing that Nintendo Switch users will no longer be able to link their Facebook or Twitter accounts to their Nintendo account.

In a tweet, Nintendo announced that 3DS and Wii U Image Share services will see discontinuation on Oct. 25, 2022. According to the company’s support page, “Images and comments already posted to Facebook and Twitter will remain available even after the discontinuation of the service”.

Additionally, Nintendo also announced that they plan to discontinue a feature that allows Nintendo Switch users to sign in with their Facebook or Twitter account. Users will also not be able to link their social media accounts to their Nintendo accounts after Oct. 25, 2022.

Nintendo account holders will still be able to link their Apple or Google accounts to their Nintendo Switch.

Looking at the Possibilities

Right now, Nintendo is not providing reasons as to why the company is making this decision. It is possible that these measure have something to do with recent data leaks both websites have recently suffered. Concerning the Nintendo 3DS and the Wii U, these actions fall in line with Nintendo slowly shutting down online services for these systems.

While the shutting down of the 3DS and Wii U services isn’t all that interesting (the Nintendo Switch has been out for several years now), the inability to link accounts to social media is what truly makes this at least somewhat puzzling. However, it is possible that in addition to data leaks, Nintendo may not agree with certain decisions by these social media companies. Of course, this is only speculation.

Of course, Nintendo Switch users can find other ways to share images.

What do you think about Nintendo distancing itself from social media? Let us know in the comments.

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