Office Depot Becomes Apple Reseller, Company Web Site Claims

“I can not confirm this report,” company spokesman Brian Levine told TMO, from Delray Beach, Florida, late Monday night. “I have no knowledge of this development.”

Mr. Levine appeared confused by the report when contacted. Although he did not outright deny the report, he did not confirm the partnership, nor did he offer further details.

Office Depotis online store shows a full range of Apple products including PowerBooks, Power Macs, iBooks, iMacs, iPods, XServes, displays and accessories for sale.

The site offers no further details of the arrangement between the office supply company and Apple Computer. It also does not claim that Apple products are being stocked and sold by Office Depot at its 800-plus stores in over 44 states and the District of Columbia.

If true, the development would be a major retail partnership for the PC maker who has struggled over the years to maintain a relationship with big names in office and computer retailing. The only major computer retailer currently selling Apple products is CompUSA.

If Office Depot were to stock Apple products, it would be the largest retailer to do so to date.

An Apple spokesperson was not immediately available for confirmation or comment.

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