OLED MacBook Pro on Track for 2026, Samsung Prepares Production

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Apple’s plans for an OLED MacBook Pro are moving forward, with a targeted release in 2026. Samsung Display is gearing up to produce OLED screens for the new MacBook Pro. Thanks to this, earlier plans to release OLED MacBook Air has been delayed till and after 2029.

The company is using its new high-tech production line, called A6, for this purpose. Samsung’s first machine on this line will mainly make screens for Apple’s MacBook Pro.

The Elec said:

“Hybrid OLED is a technology that Apple first applied to the OLED iPad Pro released last year. Apple plans to apply the technology to OLED MacBook Pros as well. BOE is also configuring its line to produce flexible OLED, which is mainly used in smartphones, in preparation for a lack of demand for hybrid OLED.”

Industry experts predict Apple might sell 3 to 5 million OLED MacBook Pros per year. Samsung is already making test OLED screens for laptops and tablets.

The company aims to produce 10 million OLED screens for computers annually by 2026. The number of OLED MacBook Pros expected to sell is modest.

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