OmniFocus 2 for iPad goes Universal, Now Runs on iPhone

OmniFocus 2 goes universalOmniFocus 2 goes universal

OmniFocus is a task management app that lets you organize your to-do lists based on projects, and can alert you to upcoming tasks based on location. Your task lists can synchronize automtically between multiple iOS and OS X devices.

The 2.1 version of OmniFocus adds universal support, which brings pretty much all of the iPad app's features to the iPhone. Just like on the iPad, OmniFocus on the iPhone now supports Review perspectives, showing perspectives with Project hierarchy, Landscape mode with the Sidebar on the iPhone 6 Plus, and creating Perspectives in the Pro version.

iPhone and iPad users running OmniFocus Pro can now show custom Perspectives in the Today extension and customize the app's home screen and rearrange Perspective tiles.

The Omni Group previously released Universal updates for OmniOutliner, OmniGraffle, and OmniPlan. With OmniFocus 2.1 hitting the App Store, all of the company's mobile apps are now universal.

If you already own OmniFocus 2 for the iPad, the universal update lets you install the app on your iPhone for free. If you already own the iPhone version and want to use it on your iPad, The Omni Group suggests buying the OmniFocus Universal Bundle (US$40). OmniFocus 1 for the iPhone or iPad owners can get the Pro in-app purchase for free.

Since plenty of people bought OmniFocus for the iPhone and OmniFocus for the iPad when they were individual apps, The Omni Group is offering a $10 rebate, which effectively drops the cost they paid to match the cost of the Universal Bundle.

If you aren't already an OmniFocus user and are ready to buy, you can download the universal app from Apple's iTunes-based App Store for $39.99, or $59.98 for the Pro version.

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