Parallels Brings Mac Management to Microsoft System Center

Parallels unveiled its new Parallels Management plug-in for Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager on Tuesday. The plug-in lets Microsoft-based IT departments manage the Macs and Parallels virtual machines on their networks without investing in additional hardware.

Parallels Management adds Mac management to Microsoft's SCCMParallels Management adds Mac management to Microsoft's SCCM

Parallels Management can auto-discover all of the Macs on a network, list the hardware components for those Macs, detail per-device network information, and list the apps installed on each Mac. It also manages company-wide desktop configuration files, pushes updates and app installations, controls OS X Configuration Profiles, and can configure and install virtual machines, too.

The utility also includes a package creation wizard for building custom installation bundles for Mac users.

Parallels Management supports Macs and Parallels virtual machines now, and the company told The Mac Observer that it is working on adding iOS and Android device support soon.

Parallels Management will be available on January 31 and will cost US$30 per Mac per year. The company will be showing off the plug-in, along with its other enterprise management tools, at the MacIT conference later this week.

The MacIT conference runs January 31 through February 2 in conjunction with Macworld/iWorld at the Moscone West Convention Center in San Francisco.

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