"I'm a PC" John Hodgman Quizzed on Microsoft History

Wait Wait…Donit Tell Me! is a news quiz show with a comedic angle on NPR where a panel, guest stars, and call-in guests are quizzes on various aspects of recent news, much of it political in nature. During Mr. Hodgmanis segment, he was asked to play a game the show called, “So youire a PC, huh? Weill see about that.”

“So you play a PC in the commercial,” host Peter Sagal joked by way of introduction, “but weive been watching them a while, and we are beginning to suspect that youire not really a PC at all. In fact, we think you are are instead a cruel parody of the machine as created by its enemies.”

John Hodgman in an Apple
“Get a Mac” commercia.

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