Phil Schiller to Testify in Second Apple, Samsung Patent Trial

Samsung to call Apple VP Phil Schiller to testify at new patent trialSamsung to call Apple VP Phil Schiller to testify at new patent trial

Samsung said in a witness list filing on Thursday,

Mr. Schiller will be called to testify regarding design, development, promotion, marketing, advertising, consumer demand for, and sales of the iPhone, iPad, iPod, and other Apple products, including the features accused of infringing the Samsung feature patents, the smartphone and tablet markets, the Apple brand and Apple’s marketing and advertising efforts.

Apple vice president of iPhone and iOS marketing Greg Joswiak is on the list, too, but Samsung hasn't committed to putting him on the stand. Samsung also has Apple's vice president of procurement Tony Blevins, vice president of human interface Gregory Christie, and chief IP lawyer Bruce Watrous on its witness list, according to PC World.

The electronics maker is also considering including Apple's former senior vice president of iOS software Scott Forsall on its witness list. Mr. Forestall lost his senior vice president position in October 2012 following the fumbled launch of iOS 6's new Maps feature. He was reclassified as a consultant to CEO Tim Cook for a few months until his departure from the company.

This trial has the potential to play out much like its predecessor. Both Apple and Samsung are accusing each other of infringing on their mobile device patents, although this case covers models that weren't included in the original case. That trial resulted in a landslide victory for Apple with a jury handing over a verdict that said Apple didn't infringe on any of Samsung's, but Samsung infringed on a long list of Apple's patents.

The jury awarded Apple over US$1 billion in damages, but that was later reduced to a figure over $900 million after it was determined that part of the original value had been improperly calculated.

Apple and Samsung have been fighting in courts around the world over claims that they are infringing on each other's patents. So far, Samsung hasn't been able to win any serious victories, and if the electronics maker continues with its same court room tactics, it may not have much luck this March.

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