Photos From Europe Apple Stores


EM> offers two small collections of photographs today from Apple stores in Europe. The first is a collection of three photos of Appleis currently under-construction retail store in London on Regent St.. The store is scheduled to open November 20.

“The building really is quite something and holds itself up well against all the other architectural splendour present on Regent St. Occasionally, as the builders on site are going about their business the black doors open up to give us a peak inside. Let me say that there still is an awful lot of work to be done before opening day,” the photographer notes.

The other collection of photographs are of the recently opened Apple Center in Oslo, Norway. The store, owned by Office Line, is the largest in Scandinavia, at 300 square-meters. It opened this past Saturday. “The store is located between the town center (5 minutes from the pedestrian center) and the AkerBrygge business district,” the submitter of the photographs notes, adding that the store charges about 10 percent more than Appleis online store, but that itis “nice to have a real Apple dealer in Oslo (finally!).”

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