CES – EyeQue Demonstrates Insight Visual Acuity Screener

LAS VEGAS – EyeQue demonstrated its Insight visual acuity screener at Pepcom’s Technology Tailgate at CES 2018. The device allows users to test their own vision. Jay Kaufman, OD, Advisor, gave John F. Braun a demonstration of this new product.

If you’ve ever been to the eye doctor, you no doubt had to go through an exercise where you were shown a row of letters, and asked to read them back to the doctor.  Each test uses progressively smaller letters, and the point at which you can’t see them determines the quality of your vision.

A measure of 20/20, for instance, means you can see at 20 feet what someone with “normal” vision can also see at a distance of 20 feet.  If a measure has a second number that is larger than 20, let’s say 20/100, that means you have to be 20 feet away from something to clearly see what a “normal” person can see at 100 feet.

EyeQue Insight

Insight is a system that includes a binocular viewer that you attach to your smart phone, the EyeQue app to perform the test, and an EyeQue subscription so you can store your results.  We took the test, which shows the letter E in one of four orientations, and you indicate via the app what you think the orientation is.

After about three minutes, you’ll get your results for the left eye, right eye, and combined.  The numbers we got matched what we received at a recent eye exam, so we trust the system is accurate.  The results are also stored in the cloud via your EyeQue subscription so you can keep a history of your vision quality.

The retail price of EyeQue Insight is US$129, and will be released in March 2018, but if you pre-order, the price goes down to $89.  The EyeQue subscription is $4.99/year.

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