Interested In QuickTime? "Hang Loose" With Frank Casanova In New WWDC Movie


pple has posted another QuickTime sales pitch for the upcoming World Wide Developer Conference (WWDC). The WWDC is Appleis annual gathering for Mac developers, and this yearis event effectively has what used to be QuickTime Live! rolled into it.

That means that QuickTime gets a much bigger light to shine at the WWDC than at past events, and Appleis own QuickTime head honcho, Frank Casanova, is offering a personal guide to what QuickTime developers can expect from the show. What many people do not realize is that QuickTime can do a lot more than play movies, and thatis part of the message from Mr. Casanova. Itis also reflected in the increased number of QuickTime sessions laid out in the Daily Session Grid at the WWDC site.

Frank Casanova "Hangini Loose"

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