QuickTime & Kevin Spacey Help New Writers Through TriggerStreet


|Net News is reporting some good news for wannabe screenwriters and story tellers. Kevin Spacey and his business partner, Dana Brunetti, have opened a Web site for express purpose of giving movie makers and screen writers outside of Hollywood a means of getting their work seen by peers, and others in the movie-making business. The C|Net article titled "Kevin Spacey searches for online talent," explains the purpose of the new Web site called TriggerStreet.com:

The Academy Award-winning star has launched a Web site called TriggerStreet.com in an effort to create an online community to shine a spotlight on lesser-known creative works. The site is hosting a festival for short films by new or relatively unknown filmmakers that will be screened strictly online.

The site will also offer screenwriters a chance to submit their works for peer review. Those who want to submit scripts must read, rate and review two other works.

Spacey envisions TriggerStreet "as a place where a community can be created for people who donit have access, who donit have an agent, who donit have the ability to get on a plane to knock on doors," he said in an interview.

Whatis even more interesting is that TriggerStreeet.com will use Appleis QuickTime and RealNetworks media encoders for the movies the site will host.

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