Rapoo E2700 Keyboard Includes Touchpad

I recently reviewed the Rapoo Ultra-slim Keyboard for iPad  which is designed specifically for iPad use. This Rapoo keyboard, the E2700, is approximately the same size, but it is made for computers and includes a touchpad.

Rapoo E2700 keyboard

The keyboard, which is available in black only, measures 3.23 x 10 x 0.23-in (82 x 254 x 5.8 mm). It includes a user’s guide and a USB dongle. It features a 2.4 gigahertz wireless connection with up to 32.8 feet (10 meters) range and, as noted above, it also includes a built-in touchpad located on the far right. The touchpad uses OS X Trackpad System Preferences and does not require that a different preference pane be installed.

Size compared to typical Apple keyboard

Along the top are function keys that offer media options (play, pause, stop, volume up or down, mute, next track, previous track) and basic web browsing function keys  (back, forward, refresh, home). There is an additional function key that gives quick access to your mail client.

View of keys

The E2700 is made from aluminum. There are small rubber feet on the front edge to hold it in place. The back achieves a tilt from the elevated plastic wedge that contains the battery compartment and the on/off button. It requires two AAA batteries that are not included.

The MSRP is US$60.00, but it's available from Amazon at a slightly lower price.

Using The Product

This is a sturdy little keyboard with raised keys which is always an asset when typing. It features a scissor key mechamism. People who like using touchpads should enjoy the extra benefit of having one ready at hand and the placement is far enough away from the keys to avoid accidentally touching it while typing.

However, lefties probably will not find the location of the touchpad conducive to a good work flow. I personally found the location to be an asset and would be more likely to use a touchpad when it was located so close to the keys. For some, it may be a matter of sacrificing the need to change a work pattern to benefit from the small, efficient keyboard.

The touchpad responds easily to my touch and, were I a touchpad user, I would enjoy the ability to sit back and relax while computing. Testing the touchpad demonstrated that it responds to the lightest of touches, and the moves I can execute on my laptop’s touchpad can easily be reproduced on this one. I tried using a stylus instead of fingers to activate the touchpad, but found that it responds best to fingers. The attempt to use a stylus was cumbersome and not smooth.

As for the keyboard itself, the size makes touch typing somewhat difficult for adult size hands. I found that if I slowed down my typing speed I was more accurate, but truthfully, it is hard to slow down when one is accustomed to a certain speed. Nevertheless, those who do not touch type should enjoy working with this keyboard. 

The keyboard throw, the distance the key has to be pushed, is 2 millimeters and the keyboard is silent when in use. The click action is nice — there is enough tactile feedback available to easily move from key to key. Other than the size, this keyboard has the same solid feel of a typical Apple keyboard and, when placed on a solid surface, it does not move when in use.

I was able to work the keypad successfully from 25 feet away and realized how convenient it would be to use my wide screen TV as my computer monitor while relaxing in my easy chair. The function keys are a necessary part of successfully working from that distance. It only took a few minutes to become comfortable with the keyboard arrangement.

Do I Recommend It?

I do.  It is sturdily built, well designed, and offers options that should appeal to many users, especially those who are right-handed.

Product: E2700 Keyboard

Company: Rapoo

List Price: US $60.00



Small, lightweight keyboard is well built.  Keyboard includes a touchpad.  The wireless connection affords flexibility for users.

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