Remembering 1984 With Steve Jobs & The Entire Macintosh Development Team (With Pics)

Richard Hallmark sent us scans of the cover and the table of contents. The cover is a great picture of Steve Jobs standing over three of the original Mac (128k) units. We have another version of that image below as well. Note that Mr. Jobs is in a suit, something that made a lot of Mac fans look up when he appeared in a suit during his MACWORLD Tokyo Expo keynote address. The Table of Contents is very interesting from the standpoint of seeing what was covered in this issue. No one really knew what to make of the Macintosh when it was first released, and these scans somewhat reflect that. A Tour of the Desktop, A Mouse in the Hand, Inside the Mac, Investing with Multiplan, Tips for Mac Writers, Open Windows; these are just some of the topics in this first issue. Pretty darned cool.

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