Samsung Gets iPad 2 Envy

“We will have to improve the parts that are inadequate,” said Samsung’s mobile division executive vice president Lee Don-joo. “Apple made it very thin.”

Samsung is feeling a little inadequateSamsung is feeling a little inadequate over iPad 2

Big concerns for Samsung include the iPad 2’s thinner body along with the tablet’s price points. The new model is about a third the thickness of the original iPad, and even with its new dual-core A5 processor, front and rear-facing digital cameras, and more powerful graphics support, the iPad’s price didn’t increase.

The iPad’s lower price point is a big issue for Samsung. The iPad starts at US$499, and tops out at $829 with a 9.7-inch display. In comparison, Samsung’s 7-inch Galaxy tab is priced at $899, and the unreleased 10.1-inch version is expected to cost even more.

Like other tablet makers, Samsung seems to be designing its products in reaction to Apple’s announcements. Unless Samsung can react quickly, it may find itself even farther behind Apple’s lead.

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