Podcast – Mac Geek Gab #52: Security Solutions and Tech Support Tactics

Show notes for TMO To Go: Mac Geek Gab For May 8th, 2006

Direct Links: MP3 Version or AAC Enhanced Version (courtesy of Michael, aka Computernap!).

John and Dave talk through security recommendations and tech support tactics which leads Dave into a great rant about how folks have been dealing with Apple’s MacBook Pro issues. Don’t miss it!

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  • Standard MP3 iTunes Feed
  • AAC Enhanced iTunes Feed

    Note: Shownotes are complete.

    Stuff mentioned:

    • Carbon Copy Cloner
    • Enabling the root user in Mac OS X
    • Unix ‘chown’ command
    • Pseudo
    • RCDefaultApp
    • AppleCare Pro Video Support
    • Enhanced AppleCare Programs
    • Apple Support Boards/Community
    • Apple Consultants Network
    • Apple Legal Issues Cease & Desist Over Service Manual Posting
    • Consumer Reports Gives Apple Tech Support Top Marks
    • AbiWord
    • Windows XP on an External/USB drive
    • Apple Computer Wins Logo Battle Against Beatles
    • TiVo Desktop 1.9.3 – Universal Binary
    • Add Video Playback to TiVo Desktop 1.9.3
    • Galleon
    • 24
    • Apple’s Get A Mac Campaign
    • KeyCue
    • Podcast/Portable Media Expo
    • – You’re downloading today’s show from CacheFly’s network
    • BackBeat Media Podcast Network
    • MacGeekGab AAC Enhanced Feed – Thanks to Michael, aka Computernap!

      Podcast-related sites to visit (and vote for us!):

      • Subscribe to the Mac Geek Gab in iTunes! – Show Details – Write a review!
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      • Podcast Pickle
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